Digital poster
I continued working on my digital materials. I will create a physical poster in 60s style. To get inspiration I used poster by artists in my previous research. I realises, that I did not have enough skills to create a poster like that, so I learnt from YouTube tutorials. It took me a few days to understand how does it work in Photoshop. As I have the newest version of software, it was quite hard to follow all the information fron tutorials, as videos were 8 years old. But I still learnt a lot. There is the whole process of creating a poster. I got inspired by poster by Wes Wilson. Grateful Dead, Junior Wells Chicago Blues Band, The Doors, January 13-15, Fillmore Auditorium by Wes Wilson. © Wes Wilson. Image courtesy the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco . I took the style of text - it is very distorted and curved. I used waves and shapes in my project. Colours which I used are from Bob Dylan poster I showed in my previous post. According to the tutorial vi...