I continued working on my digital materials. I will create a physical poster in 60s style. To get inspiration I used poster by artists in my previous research. I realises, that I did not have enough skills to create a poster like that, so I learnt from YouTube tutorials. It took me a few days to understand how does it work in Photoshop. As I have the newest version of software, it was quite hard to follow all the information fron tutorials, as videos were 8 years old. But I still learnt a lot. There is the whole process of creating a poster. I got inspired by poster by Wes Wilson.
I took the style of text - it is very distorted and curved. I used waves and shapes in my project.
Colours which I used are from Bob Dylan poster I showed in my previous post.
According to the tutorial video using a selection tool I removed background.
Started from creating pattern using symblos.
Then using a 3d distortion I twinkled my pattern to make it look more psychedelic.
ON this stage I was happy.
I applied colours from my project colour scheme using colour overlay.
After I created a frame, using new layer tool and rectangle tool.
Applied a pencil shape texture to the rectangle and made a stroke.
After that using a star tool I created a star with 99 corners and sharp shape.
Applying a pink colours to the star and putting it on my frame.
Then using a gradient tool I changed colours for my object.
Choosing a Zephyr as a main text for a poster, using a distortion I created very similar to psychedelic art posters text.
On this stage, I played with colours and texts. According to the Saul Bass centre composition, I wanted to make it symmetrical.
Gold, H. (2017). The Psychedelic Poster Craze of the 1960s | The Saturday Evening Post. [online] Saturdayeveningpost.com. Available at: https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2017/06/psychedelic-poster-craze-1960s/.