Slogan generation

According to the previous post, I started creating a slogan for a New Cromwell. Here are my first thoughts:

The first ideas for a slogan:

1. Where flames birthed a new beginning.

This idea expresses a birth, a new beginning after a tragedy. 

After I tried to make the slogan more specific and simple. I was inspired by the Great Western Railway slogan "See it, say it sorted".

2. Rising, Rebuilding, Reborn.

Then I was trying to put the symbolism of Phoenix. 

3. From ashes to ambition. 

4. Where Flames Forge Futures.

To mix together two ideas (flame) and (ambitions) I created the next one, which makes the people of Cromwell proud of themselves. 

5. We used the tongues of flame to climb the pedestal.

Also, I tried to create some ideas not related to the fire. Just something motivative: 

New Cromwell: where dreams take root.

New Cromwell: where opportunity awaits.

New Horizons, New Cromwell.

Update from 21.04: 

After the session with my tutor, I decided to end up with Reborn, Rising, Rebuilding" as it is memorable,

simple and motivational. I will show in my next posts how I use this slogan in design outcomes.