Research (Artist)

Edited on 28.04 

On the week 2 I was given an artist for research. It is a Austrian graphic designer and typographer.  This artist connected with my work for his brilliant typography works. As on a week 7 I will create a 3D welcome sign for New Cromwell, and Sagmeister really inspired me by his transparent technique. Stefan Sagmeister is known for his work "Things I have learnt in my life so far". There is a series from things, which he learnt from his life, putting it into the typography design and making even sculptures from letters. I am interested in his design wor for his ideology. Also I have a lot of in commowith  his phylosophy, which can be viewed through his works.

This work created from wood sticks, transparent and seethrough. 

According to the fact, that Stefan's designs were focused more on typography, which directly relates to my work. As a part of my major project is to create a logotype, slogan and sculpture, and I was inspired by Sagmeister, so I willing to use sences in my work, as he used in his. 

All these design have a deep reason and they are transparent, created from grass, wood, plastic. 

All the Stefan's works (Things I have learnt...) includes a "slogan". The idea is to borrow the sences from Sagmeister, because he used these sentences as a "lesson" form his life. And I want to use the lesson of "fire" in a slogan. 

For example his work "Money does not make me happy" when he put this slogan on the Casino. It is very provocative and original. I want to use symbolism in my slogan. Comimg back to my brief, is it important to notice the tragedy of Cromwell caused by fire. This symbolism I would liken to stamp into a slogan.  

This work with a slug has a deep meaning, On the blade there is a text "drugs", so if you use drugs you kill yourself as a slug doing it.

In my nest post I will show the research on a city branding, results of tutorial and my futher ideas and research.