Research on city branding

Update from 28.04 

As my subject area is graphic design, I will be working on city branding, especially logo design, and posters. The main point of successful city branding is in purpose. Who is this branding for and what it must express (Dawood, 2023). 

My target audience is previous residents of the city and tourists. I took all my attention to the idea of a logo. I wanted to make it clear, but unique at the same time. In terms of this, my branding will be original and successful because of its strong background. For the target audience (residents) branding will show the power of the city, that it did not die, only became more strong. All the symbols in my logo idea (please find in previous posts) reflect the story and sympathy from the past. According to that, working on my slogan I decided to show it more to tourists and to remind them with a little bit of memories about (not the tragedy) but about success and how we went out of this situation and became even more strong. 

If it comes back to city branding, the logo has a massive impact on its success. If to look at the Australian city Malbaurn, we can notice that flexibility has an important role in creating a brand. The logo should consist of different versions, which can be used for different purposes. The "M" in their logo design has multiple options (Salganik, 2019)

So the logo of Cromwell is flexible.  It can be used in different colours and shapes. I will adapt it for architects, craft design and fashion design. 

                                                                      (Edenspiekenmann, n.d)

I was looking at city branding, how using a logotype or just an element of a logo can create an unforgettable style. From the picture above we can see that in a main logo there are three Xs. As a part of identity and branding  of a city of Amsterdam, it is acseptable to usr only these elements in advert, without the whole logo. 

(Edenspiekenmann, n.d)

To look at the city advert, we can notice that it is very clear, has the message, identity and colours. From my research I found out that city branding must be really clear, easy to understand and be recognisable by its branding.  


Dawood, D. (2023). Branding a city: What makes a successful design? [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Apr. 2024].

Salganik, D. (2019). Branding a City - Melbourne, Australia. [online] VisualFizz Blog. Available at: [Accessed 21 Apr. 2024]. (n.d.). City of Amsterdam — Edenspiekermann. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2024].