Ideas developent 3

Update from 24.04 

On the week 2 I was working on my ideas development. Using Adobe Illustrator I ended up with a American Robin symbolim and A map of New Cromwell as main elements. In the class I have been speaking with my tutor and course leader, I was working also in collaboration with craft designer Aleksandra. After taking their opinions, which is a part of my goals for this term (tale another's people opinion) and not to stick to only one design concept, we ended up on this design version. I will show the process of my work and some experimentation. 

I started with simple sketches using the american robin, as it seemed as a strong element. I was inspired by actual american robin front face. 

I tried to draw detailed face, using a pencil I started drawing. 

I had a few different idea for logo. 

I experimented with a shape and, text

I tried to draw it with open mouth. 

I developed the idea, made it more clean, with a determent stroke. 

Using a pen tool I draw simple shapes starting from large forms and finishing with small shapes. 

I improved my form by trying different strokes from 4-6. 

I tried to use different colours, development on which I will show in the next posts.

I have been experimenting with shapes, and colours. I took some colours from a white oak leaf and tried to mix Robin with text. I tried different place and orientation. I used map, two maps, coloured robin.
After I tried to make my logotype more consistent and related to symbolism I use in my project. 

Using colours from American Robin, which are orange,  grey and light grey. 

I drew a sphere which is a symbol of Earth, map of the new Cromwell inside; I added only the head of American Robin and experimented with colours. I used pink because these are the colours of mountain laurels. 

Also few options with black and white, using only stroke and a map in brown colour (from a oak leaf). 

Experimentation with size of head, size of stroke. Using typography distortion (Effects - Distord). i tried different versions - with grey stroke, with smooth or sharp corners, with eyes or no. Tried different positions of robin. 

After my tutor's comment, I ended up with the last versions of the logotype and I have been developing it. 
My tutor suggested I use an arch to make my logo look more like a herb. 

This logo above is my favourite because it has a good composition (3 visually balanced parts).
The main part of the logo is the head of a robin, which has the main sense and is situated on the top of the logo.
The second not less important part is a map. These two elements are harmonised because I adapted the bottom of the robin to be map-shaped so it is visually attractive. Also, I created an arch on the bottom, and using a pathfinder tool I made the map and arch consistent as it is a one element. I like that there is a white space - which is very important in design. 

I tried different shapes of arches (waves). 

Different colours used, I experimented with element. 

Here is my second set of logo ideas. I tried to be minimalistic, to use the map as a mountain. 
Tried to multiply maps. I used gradients which symbolised nature of my prpject (green - white oak, blue - whale, pink - laurel). 

In my next post, I will experiment more, will use more colours on the best last versions of the logotype. I will also create a questionnaire among my colleagues so then I can get their opinions. I will also have a look on a Connecticut flag.