Website update
The last term I had a website with mixed fonts, and different colours, which did not match together. This term I was working on improvement on my website. To start from the home page and header.
For the header and the rest of the website I used a gradient, because it looks good, light and do not give to heavy mood. For texts and buttons, I decided to use a background picture which matching with my project and gradient.
Also as an additional direct element I used a button with link to my last project. I made it look very bright and noticeable.
For the main image, I chose a photo of my last project (a picture with a dark top, so I could put text there). While the scroll of the page header stays freezes to give to the user options to press what they want.
For the end of a home page I added my previous project and a button "about me". Using a button on every page of a gallery.
Also changed a year for 2024.
Move on to the page about me. Using new photo, new photo frame and introduction.
For the next but less important page "Portfolio" I created a drop-down menu. Now user can easily reach to any project in my portfolio and choose which one they want to open,
The second part of this page includes my past and previous project with buttons.
The main part for this term is a project page of Zephyr.