Reflection on Art Portfolio 1.
To look back on term 1, a blog post from term 1, using the English language I feel the massive progress. Even in my reflection on a work. I see more reasons to make a reflection.
This term I was working on creating branding, using a particular theme. Doing research gave me an understanding of the value of the work of artists from the past. Making the research on Victor Moscoso and Paul Seabass.
Attending the workshops gave me a lot of new knowledge and new skills. 3D workshop, ceramics workshop, digital print workshop. I have more skills and more knowledge about how and what to use for my subject, for graphic design.
Coming back to the Zephyr Project.
I spent 9 weeks to create a brand. I was working on naming, logotype, colours, typography, and composition. I improved my digital skills, such as using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and YouTube lessons.
Throughout the whole work, I found it hard to keep in mind the theme and follow my plan because of my creativity. I had made something, but after I realised it did not suit my design.
It was hard for me to use a psychedelic theme, as I never used it before. I had to learn from YouTube lessons how to make it.
I am very happy with the results of my work, but there is always a place for improvement. The colours, using typography, research skills, and balancing between past and modern. I think I did manage it. My work is minimalistic, luxurious, sophisticated and looks good.
If I will do the same project again, I will definitely make the box construction better in measuring, I would use better techniques for sticking box construction together.
In my digital materials, I would use more proficiency. Especially in the printing part. I would make the print settings better because I have non-accuracy somewhere.
In general, reflection on my first graphic design project I am very happy with the result, I will be waiting for my customers.