Mock-ups developing
Using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator I was making a banner mockup, a bag and logotype mockup.
Same technology as in my previous posts, I downdoaded files, opened them in Photoshop, using a smart object square I pressed "Replace your logo here". I did the same with the rest of my work.
Here I made a brand pattern, using moth.
I did it in Illustrator. Firstly, I pressed "object" and then "create a pattern". After using a rectangle tool I created a pattern on my artboard.
Clicking on small square on the bottom of my layer I opened new window and applied my logo to the mockup. And then I saved, back to the original photo.
This photo demonstates a banner, which I also made using Illustrator and Photoshop ( same way as a previous). Using my brand wave pattern, typography "ITC", I created this banner. Used time, tagline, product names, logo and website to direct a pottential customer.