Ideas development

For my 3D project term 2 my first thought were about making a shampoo bottle with a hairbrush. I decided it because a lot of people going to the shower didnt take a hairbrush with them. Also after a class when we had a thing and we tested it, I have got a hair brush, and it inspoired me to make this sketch. I was going to make a bottle narrow in the middle for holding it in the hand, and also I wanted to make a design which reminds of the past (out grandma, village...). The hair brush has a history, reminiscents. Unique handmade, which has. lot of history, has a hair. Simple form, fro a wood. Dont use of plastic. All synonyms are scratched, varnished, hairy, bristles, coarse, nostalgia, personal care,  the rest of mails on the surface. 

Later on I put my idea on my subject area, and I decided to change a major project to something, what is more related to my subject ( graphic design). As my theme - PopArt, I will use it in my major project which is creating aselfcare  BRAND . The idea is to create a name for a brand, logotype, fonts, colours, size, and ton of value. As a 3D outcome I will create a packaging design for a large box(main box with all my products (conditioner, moisturiser, perfume, soap, shampoo). Also I will create stickers which will stick on each product. 

Idea of logotype - to make a embossed logotype on each cardboard packaging. 
Materials which I will use are: cardboard, paper, plastic(?), glass bottle, wood. The large box will be created from wood. 

In my next post I will start design of a logotype and I willn show my ideas and development.